Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Books We Love

We love, love, love reading books as a family. We have "daytime" books and "night time" books ...and little Michael doesn't like those two genres to mix! I was looking through our "night time" books the other day and since Valentines Day had just passed, I really noticed how many books we had that talked about love! We have more books than you could shake a stick at and I think it is wonderful that little Michael and Riley have such an extensive "library" to choose from as they grow up. I really like having a good variety of books that talk about feelings and emotions. I think it is good for little Michael to read about different ways to express and talk about his feelings and also to hear us talk about all the ways that we love him. While we have lots and lots of books that top our lists of "must-reads", I thought I would narrow it down and share some of my absolute favorites.

Here are our 6 favorite books about love: 

1. I Love You Stinky Face by Lisa Mccourt
I got this book at my baby shower when I was pregnant with little Michael. We started reading it as part of his bedtime routine when he was 4 months old or so and read it every single night for over a year. It was actually kind of sad when he asked to read a new book! I read it so many times that I still have it memorized! I just love that it reassures little hearts that mommy (and daddy) love him no matter what, no matter how he acts or what he does - our love will always be bigger.

2.  I Love You, Little One by Nancy Tafuri
This is such a sweet book! The book has different little animals asking their mama if she loves them and the different animal mamas reassure their little ones that they will keep them safe and that they will love them "forever and ever and always." One of the sweetest things is that hubby replaces "mama" with "daddy" every time he reads it. It just melts my heart when little Michael will help to finish the "forever and ever and always" sentence! 

3. Guess How Much I Love Love You by Sam McBratney
I really like that this is a book about a daddy and his little one (somehow I feel like there are more books about mommy's and their little ones). When I was pregnant with Riley, I could barely make it through this book without getting all choked up! I'm sure little Michael had no idea why I could barely choke out the last line, “I love you to the moon and back.” It is such a beautiful story about how much bigger a parents love is for their little one! 

4. I Love You, Every Little Bit by John Butler
Little Michael loves saying "Every little bit" very emphatically! It's so cute to hear him say that! It is such a sweet little story about all the different features that parents love about their little ones! What parent doesn't love their little ones bellies and toes and their nose!

5. How Do I Love You? by Marion Dane Bauer
Oh gosh! How can you not get all mushy over this book! Little Michael really likes listening to this book and I think he is really listening to all the different ways that he is loved. The last line is so perfect too - "...I love all that you will be, and everything you are." *Sigh* It's so true!

 6. I Love You Through and Through by Bernadette Rossetti Shustak
Little Michael loves saying the title of this book too! I really, really like that it doesn't just emphasize the physical things that we love about our little man (toes, nose, fingers and hair!) but also we love his emotions (whether he is happy, sad or mad). These books are such a perfect way to end our day with little Michael - reassuring him of our love for him and helping to describe all the different ways that he makes our heart happy and so full of warm fuzzies! Oh Michael and Riley, how we love you!

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