Tomorrow we are having our 20 week ultrasound and will (hopefully) be finding out whether our little bambino is a girl or boy!
I thought it would be fun to see what you, my readers thought!
Here's some fun facts about my pregnancy with little man and this little sprout:
June 28th when I was preggo with little man
July 9th - preggo with baby #2
Weight gain has been about the same with both pregnancies. I have had really similar symptoms as well- with my first pregnancy, I felt nauseous throughout the day in my first trimester and threw up twice. This time around, I had the same feelings of nausea during my first trimester that went away in my second trimester. This time, I threw up 3 times. Craving-wise, I craved cheeseburgers like crazy when I was pregnant with little man! This time, I craved bread and cheese feel-good foods in my first trimester and now I am craving fruit.
So, what do you think? Pink or Blue?
*Our ultrasound is tomorrow evening, so I will probably post the next day with the exciting news!*

I'm going to guess girl :)
ReplyDeleteI'm guessing a girl, too! Anne
ReplyDeletehm! it looks like you're carrying similarly, and the pregnancies sound similar too.. but i'm going to say it's a girl too! :D how exciting~ have fun today!!
ReplyDeleteDid you create the boy or girl graphic?
ReplyDeleteIf so, may I use it for a medical presentation that I am giving?
Thank you. Chris Ternand, MD