Monday, April 25, 2011

The Great Cloth Diaper Change!

This past weekend, little man and I got the chance to take part in The Great Cloth Diaper Change and help set a world record for the most cloth diapers changed simultaneously! The event was on April 23rd, 2011 and little man got to participate at Babies in Bloom in Vista, CA. 

Here we are at the store, just starting to go in!
We're headed in to find a spot!
Hubby, little man and I were able to meet a friend and her daughter at the store and it made it so much fun to take part in the event with someone I knew changing her daughter right along side me! We did have to get up pretty early to make it to the store on time, since we lived about an hour away from the location, but it was sooo worth it! 

Keeping little man occupied while we're waiting
Everyone getting set up
The event started at 9AM and we all did a count down to start changing diapers! Little man was quite the trooper! He is normally pretty wiggly when it comes time to change his diaper, but, he held relatively still while I changed him. Maybe it was the "audience" or maybe doing a little light reading during his diaper change helped. Either way, he did great! I changed little man from a bumGenius 4.0 (in Sweet) to a bumGenius 4.0 (in Ribbit). 
On your mark, get set... GO!
Off with the old and on with the new! Getting a fresh diaper on.
Holding up the dirty diaper :)
My friend and I on our way our of the sore. Yay! We just set a world record with our little ones!
 After every baby was changed into fresh fluff, we all got a fun little swag bag with some babylegs and other little samples in it and a certificate for participating!

 *Thanks to my great hubby for snapping photos of little man and I participating in the event!

It was so fun to get together with other parents who cloth diaper and take part in such a big, worldwide event! Cloth diapers have come so far and hopefully this event helped some learn about cloth diapers and can help to spread the fluffy love!

Did you participate? Which location did you go to? I would love to hear your stories from The Great Cloth Diaper Change!

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