Saturday, April 27, 2013

We Did It! Setting a World Record at The Great Cloth Diaper Change! #GCDC2013

Last Saturday, on April 20th, little Riley and I got a chance to take part in The Great Cloth Diaper Change! Hubby and little Michael joined us, to cheer us on and take pictures! We attended the event at Babies in Bloom in Vista, CA. This was the same place that little Michael and I did The Great Cloth Diaper Change in 2011! It was so much fun to go back to the same place and take part in setting a world record for a second time!

We got there a bit early and I got a chance to chat with some of the other moms and as I checked in, I got a great goody bag that was packed with fun cloth diapering samples, babylegs, reusable snack bags, a snappi, and a cloth diaper cover! We all got to go into the store about 20 minutes before the event and I ended up sitting next to a mom whose little boy was born on the same day as little Riley! Small world!

Hubby and Little Michael were watching me from outside

The lovely folks at Babies in Bloom did a few raffle giveaways and then took some pictures of us all holding up the clean diaper that we would be changing our little ones into. Then we had a countdown and the change began! I changed little Riley out of a bumGenius 4.0 in Moonbeam and into a bumGenius Artist Series: Tiny Socialite Collection by Chelsea Perry in the Eiffel Tower print. I paired that with a "Cloth Rocks" shirt by Kim Rosas over at Dirty Diaper Laundry. He looked so cute!

The totals from the event have come in too! It looks like there were 181 locations that submitted ttheir results to Guinness, setting a NEW world record of 8,331 babies changed into cloth diapers at one time! There are still some unofficial results from other locations coming in and the the current unofficial total (including from events that didn't qualify per the stringent Guinesss regulations) is 10,029! Guinness should confirm the record within the next week or so. Wow! That is a lot of babies!

I am so glad that we got the chance to take part in this event! It is such a fun way to raise awareness about cloth diapers and set a world record!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Happy Earth Day! How We Celebrated

Happy Earth Day! 

I hope that you all enjoyed your day! Little Michael and I spent the day talking about Planet Earth, why it's important to care for it and different things that we can do to be good stewards of the Earth and what God has created.

Little Michael has been really fascinated by the birds that have made our backyard their home. I'm pretty sure a nest full of baby birds just hatched, since I can hear tiny little "tweet, tweet, tweets" from the small tree on our side yard. That combined with (what I assume to be) a mommy and daddy bird darting in and out of the tree add up to a new birdy family! I have been trying to think of ways that we can make our backyard as attractive as possible to our little birdy friends and bring in some Earth Day relevancy to little Michael.

I had been looking around Pinterest for some craft ideas and this morning, as we finished up our milk, the light bulb went off! A recycled milk carton bird feeder!

I washed out the milk carton and little Michael helped me gather our supplies.

*Additional tools not pictured: scissors and/or a razor blade to cute the milk carton open with.* 

Creating your Recycled Milk Carton Bird Feeder:

Step 1: Clean out your milk (or juice) carton 

Step 2: Cut an opening on each side of your carton with the razor blade/box cutter/scissors. You can cut whatever shape you want. I made a "house shape" (square with a triangle on top). :) *note: this is one of the "adult" parts of this craft. I did not let little Michael help me with this part. He is 3, so this would be up to your discretion as a parent and your confidence with your childs ability to use sharp instruments.*

Step 3: Puncture a hole beneath your opening for the stick that the birds will perch on. *note: this is another part of the craft that I did, since I used our razor blade to cut the hole.

Step 4: Push the stick though one hole and then through the other. I used a candy/lollipop stick that I got at the craft store in the candy making section. I had it on hand and you can use whatever you have in your closets. Other ideas: chopsticks, twigs from outside, un-sharpened pencil...

Step 5: I punched a hole on either side of the top of the carton, right under the triangle where the top seam is. Little Michael picked out his pipe cleaners to thread through the holes and we twisted them together. You could also use yarn or string. 

Step 6: Fill the bottom with bird seed

 Step 7: Take outside and hang it somewhere where you will be able to see it easily. We hung ours from our patio cover. It is the perfect spot! We can see the birds fly in to have their snack from our back slider door. The birds have been expressing their thanks by singing so beautifully for us! 

This was such a fun and easy craft for us to do together! Although there were some aspects of it that little Michael couldn't do all by himself, due to safety concerns by me, he still had fun!

Books We're Reading this Earth Day:
  • Plant a Tree for Me! - A Sesame Street board book where the monsters from Sesame Street talk about how trees are good for the environment and it goes through the life cycle and seasons of tree. 
  • What Do You See? - This is a fun lift-the-flap book about endangered animals that teaches children that they can help them survive. Bonus- the book is made from 100% recycled materials!

  • One Tree - This book is about the life cycle of a tree and the different animals and insects who benefit from it. One tree can be a home or food to so many different creatures! I also love that this book is made from recycled materials, printed with eco-friendly inks and the last page has some great info that helps parents further the conversation of eco-conscious choices with their little ones.

  • Little Helpers -  A cute book about how all the little things we do every day can make a big difference to the planet.Also made from recycled materials, printed with eco-friendly inks and the last page has info that helps parents further the conversation of eco-conscious choices with their little ones.

We had a such a fun Earth Day! How did you celebrate?

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

I'll be Breaking a Record (Again) at The Great Cloth Diaper Change 2013!


The Great Cloth Diaper Change is almost here! Haven't heard of The Great Cloth Diaper Change before?  The Great Cloth What....? you ask. The Great Cloth Diaper Change is an event where moms (and dads) get together to set a Guinness World Record for the most cloth diapers changed at the same time. All attending parents will change their babies diapers at the same time. This will happen at each locations local time, meaning the change will be happening around the globe when the clock strikes 11:00 AM! 

This will be my second time attending the event and I'm super excited! I attended the first ever Great Cloth Diaper Change in 2011 with little Michael! It is such a fun time to get together with other cloth diapering parents and then we all scramble to change our little ones diapers at the same time! Not only is this a fun cloth diapering event to try to break the Guinness World Record for those of us who love cloth diapers, but it is also a wonderful opportunity to help spread some awareness about reusable diapers!

Here's a fun little "history in numbers" about The Great Cloth Diaper Change:
  • The first Great Cloth Diaper Change was in 2011:
    • There were 5026 simultaneous cloth diaper changes! 
    • I am proud to say that little Michael and I were counted in this world record! 

  • The second Great Cloth Diaper Change was in 2012:
    • There were 8,251 qualifying participants
    • 189 locations
    • Happened on 4 continents
    • Unfortunately, little Michael and I did not get the chance to participate in this one, since he was almost completely potty trained by then. 

  • This year, at The Great Cloth Diaper Change 2013:
    • There are 285 hosts that have registered!
    • Riley and I will be making history and be counted in this world record! 

I will be attending The Great Cloth Diaper Change at Babies in Bloom in Vista, CA with little Riley! I went to the GCDC at Babies in Bloom for the very first event in 2011 with little Michael! This year, I will be wearing a Cloth Diaper Advocacy Shirt from Kelly's Closet (affiliate link) and little Riley will be sporting a "Cloth Rocks"  tee from Dirty Diaper Laundry, paired with a bumGenius diaper!

I am so excited that I can attend the same event and (hopefully) break the world record with Riley! What a great way to spend Earth Day!

I'll Be at the Great Cloth Diaper Change 2013 - Will You? What location are you going to?

*some of the above links are affiliate links and sales resulting from shopping through those links will benefit The Little Hedgehog. I seek to only recommend sites that I also enjoy shopping from. Thank you!*

Monday, April 15, 2013

Ettitude Eco Living Event: Bamboo Sheet Set Giveaway 4/16-5/14 #ettitudeECO

Creating a safe sleeping environment for the family can be a challenge today with toxins in nearly all mattresses and bedding. One material that is a great choice for your bedroom is bamboo, it is grown without pesticides and is a rapidly renewable resource. It's the perfect solution for adults and kids with sensitive skin as it is naturally antibacterial and hypoallergenic. 

In addition to bamboo sheet sets, Ettitude has a vast selection of bamboo comforters, duvet covers, crib sheets, pillows, mattress protectors, and towels to name a few. Ettitude was founded on the simple idea that all home and family essentials should not only be practical but also be unquestionably safe, Eco friendly, beautiful, and convenient. 

Our Favorite Features of the Ettitude Organic Pure Bamboo Sheet Sets
  • Available in six beautiful colors (white, sand, coffee, gray, aubergine, blue nights)
  • Equivalent to around 1000 thread count in cotton, luxuriously soft and silky! 
  • Naturally antibacterial, great for sensitive skin and allergies
  • Wicks sweat away from body, cool in the summer, warm in the winter
  • Made from bamboo, a pesticide free, sustainable, and rapidly renewable resource
  • 100% biodegradable
  • Oeko-Tex Standard 100
  • Easy care - cool wash, line dry
Purchase: You can purchase Ettitude Organic Bamboo sheet sets directly on their website

Win It! Ettitude is generously blessing one winner with an Organic Pure Bamboo sheet set in your choice of size (twin, full, queen, king, or California king)! 

Special thanks to AnaB Social for hosting this giveaway. Huge thanks to Ettitude and all the fabulous participating bloggers as well! Giveaway ends May 14th at 11:59 pm, open to residents WORLDWIDE, ages 18+. See detailed terms and conditions on entry form. To enter please use the Rafflecopter form below (see directions on how to enter here). Thank you!

Disclaimer: AnaB Social and all participating event bloggers are not responsible for sponsor prize shipment. I was not compensated for this post.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

4 Months Old!

My-oh-my! Little Riley turned 4 months old on March 27th! I still have visions of him as a newborn and am both amazed at how quickly he is growing and a little sad that time has to keep moving forward at such a rapid pace. I am so happy that I feel like I have soaked in these 4 months.

Riley is our smiley little guy! He is so happy! He usually has a ready smile or even a laugh for whatever silly face you make at him. Michael absolutely loves his little brother! He loves talking to him in a sing-song-y voice and giving him kisses. Riley has just recently discovered the hilarity of raspberries on his belly ...and Michael has discovered how fun it is to give them! He is so loved.

Riley is discovering new things daily. It is so fun to watch! He has recently started grabbing his left foot and kind of rolling from side to side ...while I try to change his diaper. Our little Riley man is also teething (poor guy)! He is fascinated with his new found ability to grab onto things and manipulate them in his hands. Most of the time, they end up in his mouth, because, hey, they might be good on the gums! One of his favorite things to do is to pop his pacifier in and out of his mouth. He also is a big fan of gnawing on the rubbery side of his pacifier.

He still spits up after nursing. I'm not sure if it because he is eating too much or I'm not burping him enough during feedings, but hopefully he will outgrow it soon! On a positive note, Riley is still exclusively breastfeeding!!! Hooray! I am so happy that it is going well. All I can say, is that I am so thankful for determination, a hungry little boy and Motherlove's More Milk Plus! (This is huge for me because I ended up supplementing with little Michael by 1 month and he was done nursing at 6 months - it broke my little heart)

He's still not "sleeping through the night" and that's ok with me. He usually wakes up every 1 to 2 hours to be nursed back to sleep. On rare occasions, I get a 4 hour stretch and those are awesome! Thank goodness for our co-sleeper that is attached to the side of our bed - it really does make things easier. Then, on nights where he seems to be waking every.20.minutes, I pull him into bed with me, he lays in the crook of my arm, he can nurse whenever he likes and we both sleep. He's what I call a nursing "snacker". I love watching him sleep (I love watching both boys sleep, actually). Their faces are so peaceful and serene - it's just beautiful. Sometimes, I just want to scoop them up to hug and squeeze them while they sleep and tell them how much I love them. Then, I restrain myself - they're sleeping! Leave them be! Haha!  

4 months to learn about the ins and outs of our newest little man. I am so thankful for each and every day with our little Riley. I love you Riley!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Relish Reusable Sponsor Spotlight: Woolzies Dryer Balls #RelishReusable

The Relish Reusable Green Giveaway Hop is going on right now! You can enter the giveaway HERE! My wonderful sponsor for this giveaway event is Woolzies Dryer Balls!

When thinking about areas of the home to start using reusable items, the laundry room is definitely an area that you can "green"! I no longer use dryer sheets or fabric softener (not only because they contain harmful chemicals, but they are a big no-no when cloth diapering!), but I still want my laundry to be fluffy and soft. Well, wool dryer balls are the perfect solution! 

I was recently introduced to Woolzies and they are a wonderful company that creates handmade wool dryer balls! Woolzies are handmade with 100% pure New Zealand wool. They work by bouncing around in your dryer, which helps to separate and create space between the items in your dryer. This helps the hot air in the dryer to circulate better and dry your clothes faster. On average, Woolzies cut down on drying time by 25% per load. They also help reduce static and wrinkles. Shorter drying time is better for the environment and it saves money on your electric bill! 

Woolzies generously sent me one of their boxes of wool dryer balls. Each box comes with 6 dryer balls. Using wool dryer balls is a great way to soften your laundry naturally! Unlike plastic dryer balls, they are PVC free and unlike dryer sheets and fabric softeners, they are chemicals free. I have been using them for a few weeks now and I think they are great! They have a permanent home in my dryer (unless little Michael snitches one to play with it). I think that the dryer balls have done a great job of fluffing my laundry - it seems light and soft afterwards. I also have noticed that my drying time has been reduced, probably by about 15 minutes per load.   

Woolzies are perfect for our cloth diapers too! I dry my prefolds, flats and wipes in the dryer and they are done lickety-split. No worrying about chemicals or fragrances that may irritate delicate skin! I feel that the Woolzies dryer balls are made exceptionally well. Each ball varies a little (since they are handmade), but they are all just a bit bigger than a tennis ball. They are firm and I don't think there is any need to worry about them ever coming apart. They are nice and soft and light - which I think lends to them being pretty quiet as they tumble around in the dryer.

Woolzies are the perfect reusable dryer ball to add to your dryer! Ditch the disposable dryer sheets, say bye-bye to the chemicals and switch to a natural, eco-friendly alternative!

Each box of Woolzies is $34.95 for 6 wool dryer balls. This price includes FREE SHIPPING anywhere in the USA! Interested in adding some reusable Woolzies dryer balls to your laundry routine? You can BUY a box of Woolzies HERE.  

One lucky person will win a box of Woolzies from the Relish Reusable giveaway hop {going on from April 1-15th}!  Make sure you ENTER HERE for your chance to win!

*Thank you to Woolzies for providing me with the opportunity to host this review at no cost to myself. This has not influenced my opinion of the product or company. I have sought to give my honest opinions and experiences on this product. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. Thank you again to Woolzies for sponsoring this review!*