Don't forget that today (7/31) is you last day to enter the Elemental Shop giveaway! One of my lucky readers is going to win their choice of a T-Shirt, Onesie or Tank Top! Giveaway ends at midnight PST. Good luck!
Friday, July 30, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Enter to Win a $20 Gift Card to Abby's Lane from Show Your Amor Blog!
Abby's Lane is a wonderful place to shop from! I have purchased a couple cloth diapers and inserts there already. So, if you cloth diaper (or if you don't and you have a baby who might just need a fun new item), head on over to the blog Show Your Amor for your chance to WIN a $20 gift certificate to spend however you want at Abby's Lane! The contest is open until July 27th, so hurry on over to get your entries in!!! Good luck!
Closet of Free Samples has an Ergo Review & Giveaway!
I have really been wanting to get back into baby wearing with my son. He has grown out of the sling that I wore with him from him newborn days and I have been on the hunt for something that would fit him better and be comfy and cuddly for the both of us. I have been reading up on Ergo carriers, and would LOVE to see if an Ergo would be the perfect match for my son and I. So, when I saw a review and giveaway on the blog, Closet of Free Samples, I knew I had to enter! One lucky person is going to win an Ergo carrier of their own, Woohoo! The contest is open until August 5th, so hurry on over, read the review and enter for your chance to win one of your very own! There are lots of ways to get entries too! Good luck!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Abby Approved has a Hatley Review & Giveaway!
Love cute, snugly pj's for your little one?!? I sure do! Head on over to Abby Approved for your chance to win a pair of coveralls from Hatley to send your little one off to dream land in! The contest is going until August 11, so get your entries in! Good luck!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
CLOSED- T-Shirt Review & Giveaway!
I recently had the opportunity to review a shirt from Crazydogtshirts! I say "I" in the general sense that, "I" chose the onesie for my son to wear and drool all over. :) I chose the "Dinosaurs are Cool Onesie for my son." I love cotton onesies and shirts for my son- we live in a desert-y area and it is very toasty right now. The last thing I would make my son endure would be a stuffy, fancy outfit... nope! Cotton onesies and t-shirts for the little man! So, I was so happy when I received the onesie and it is good ol' fashioned 100% cotton! It washed up really nicely and I don't think it shrank at all. It is still a little big on him, but I am more than ok with that, because he seems to be having a growth spurt right now. He was happy as a clam in it all day! That makes me a happy mama!
I had so much fun looking through all the categories on Crazy Dog T-shirts as I hunted for my chosen item! They really do have something for everyone!
These are just a few of their categories:
Cowbell t-shirt - $14.99 (I love that SNL skit!)
That's Dandy Shirt - $22.00 (I really like this one and the vintage style makes it look so comfy!)
Died of Dysentary t-shirt - $18.99 (I LOVED this game! Yay 80's!)
NY Loves You As A Friend TShirt - $16.99
You can BUY an Crazy Dog T-shirt for yourself or a friend or a loved one in your life by going to their site here:
You can enter to WIN a Crazy Dog T-shirt valued at $19.99 or less on!!! The winner is welcome to choose any shirt valued at $19.99 or less that is in stock. The winner cannot have won a shirt from or have been sent a shirt for promotional purposes in the last 90 days.
Here's how to enter:
Mandatory Entry:
- Visit and tell me which t-shirt you would choose if you are the winner!
Extra Entries:
One entry each, unless otherwise noted (leave a separate comment for each entry!)
- Become a fan of Crazy Dog T-shirts on Facebook (2 entries)
- Post a comment on their Facebook page letting them know that the little hedgehog blog sent you!
- Sign up for the Crazy Dog T-shirts email list (2 entries)
- Follow Crazy Dog T-shirts on Twitter then, comment here with your Twitter name to get your entry.
- Follow the Little Hedgehog via Google Friend Connect.
- Follow me on Twitter @lttlehedgehog then, comment here with your Twitter name to get your entry.
- Tweet about this giveaway. Please link to the post and be sure to use @crazydogtshirts and @lttlehedgehog. You can tweet once per day! You may use this tweet or make up your own: "@crazydogtshirts #giveaway on @lttlehedgehog blog! Win a @crazydogtshirts t-shirt! Ends on 8/01!" Comment with a direct link to your tweet so I can see it to get your entry!
- Sign up to receive the little hedgehog emails via feedburner and have your subscription verified.
- Blog about this review/giveaway. Be sure to include a link to this review/giveaway. Comment with a link to your blog post to get your entry! (2 entries)
Don't forget to put your email address in each comment so I can get a hold of you if you are the lucky winner! If I cannot get a hold of you, I will have to draw another winner! Also, I will check to make sure that the winner filled out the mandatory entry.
Open to U.S. residents only.
I'll accept entries until Sunday, August 1, 2010 at Midnight PST. I'll select a winner using's random number generator, then email the winner. The winner will have 48 hours to respond to my email and if I don't get a response, I will have to choose another winner. Again, make sure you leave your email address in your comment!
* will be shipping the winner’s item to them directly. The Little Hedgehog is not responsible for mailing the winners prize.
Thank you to for providing me with the opportunity to host this giveaway at no cost to myself. The giveaway has not influenced my opinion of the product. I have sought to give my honest opinions and experiences on these products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. Thank you again to for sponsoring this review and giveaway!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Wordless Wednesday - Some of the Things I Love!
I was re-living our 2008 trip to Europe with my hubby, my parents and my aunt and I just had to share!
Some of the things I love:
...more coffee! They sure do know how to make coffee in Europe!
...and my hubby! On the Eiffel Tower too! *Sigh*
Like to Win Things?!? Giveaway Scout is Here to Help!
I recently came across Giveaway Scout...A-Ma-Zing! Giveaway Scout is a giveaway search engine that basically "corrals" blog giveaways, contests and sweepstakes in one place! They have a website, newsletter, Twitter, Facebook and even their own widget! If you want to be in-the-know about all sorts of different giveaways, then head on over to Giveaway Scout and sign up!
Swirl - Sample Sales by Daily Candy + $20 off Your Order!
Let the shopping fun begin! I recently came across a new (at least it's new to me!) deal of the day site called Swirl.
What is Swirl?
It's a place to buy clothes and accessories at up to 80% off! Swirl is an online sample sale site created in partnership with DailyCandy.
Here's some of the items they have for sale that I thought were cute! | ||
Swirl also has a $20 coupn code out right now: CANDY719. If you see anything you like, hurry and use the code, because it expires tomorrow night!
Swirl also offers a $25 credit through their referral program. (Your account is credited after a purchase is made and shipped)
Swirl also offers a $25 credit through their referral program. (Your account is credited after a purchase is made and shipped)
So, if you don't already have a Swirl account, you can create your own Swirl account HERE through my referral link and start shopping! Happy Shopping!
*Thank you to The Budget Mommy for pointing me in the direction of this site!
My Blog is Carbon Neutral!
Since a little before I became pregnant, I have become more involved in educating myself about being eco-conscious. I was especially mindful of what I ate and the products that I used while I was pregnant and I continue to do so now that my son is on the "outside!" I continually look for ways to be more eco-friendly, reduce the toxins in our home and do even little things that can help our family become "greener" cloth diapering! So, when I read about the “My blog is carbon neutral” program, I thought it was a worthwhile program to become involved in and share with my readers!
“My blog is carbon neutral” is an initiative, that originated in Germany by the “Make it Green” program. Their goal is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. They do this by planting one tree for every blog that joins their program! It really dows work like they say on their site: 1 Tree + 1 Blog = Carbon Neutral!
So, for every blogger who joins, the "Make it Green" program will be planting a tree that will have a direct impact on me! I found out on their site that they are planting trees in Northern California in a national forest that was devastated by fires.
This is taken from their site:
This is taken from their site:
The trees are planted in Plumas National Forest in Northern California by “Arbor Day Foundation” our partner in US for the “My blog is carbon neutral” initiative. The “Arbor Day Foundation” is a non-profit conservation and education organization with the goal helping reforest 5,500 acres of Plumas National Forest with 792,000 trees.
Now, when I read that they were planting trees in Northern California, it made me so happy! While I did not grow up quite near the Plumas National Forest, I did grow up in Northern California and all of my family still lives there!
I think that this is a wonderful program and I encourage anyone with a blog to join. It is free and very easy to sign up for and you can feel good about being a part of the effort to revitalize one of our national forests (while reducing our carbon footprint at the same time!) ...oh yeah!
You can check out their site HERE for more information and the directions on how to sign up.
I would like to thank SAPsMaMa blog and her post, which is where I learned about this program!
Sunday, July 18, 2010 Facebook/Blog Giveaway! Winner will get 5 Diapers!
Looking to fluff your cloth diaper stash? I always am! So, I wanted to share with you this giveaway that I found through's Facebook page!
Taken from's blog:
- The grand prize are 5 fitted diapers (displayed in the picture). They all are turned and top-stitched for your babies comfort, have a bamboo inner and are super absorbent.
- The second prize is one OS bamboo fitted cloth diaper. You will be able to choose between 2 different fabrics and choose either ruffled or cased elastic.
So...interested in winning? First you go to their Facebook page and "like" them and then you can head over to their blog to put your entry in for a chance to win! If you want a second entry, let them know that Sarah Hull of the little hedgehog blog sent you! The contest is open until August 1st at 9pm EST. Good luck!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
CLOSED - Review & Giveaway!
I recently cam across the site and was thrilled when they agreed to sponsor and review and giveaway here on my blog! Elementalshop is "earth friendly screen printing using eco-friendly inks on organic American Apparel shirts, and some other sweet delights." They have a host of cute, original and unique screen prints on t-shirts, tank tops, baby onesies and more!
I got the opportunity to review the Happy Frog onesie in Natural.
I love the natural color and that it is organic! It is kind of an off-white, cream color and has a more unprocessed feel to it. This is taken from their site about the screen printing on the onesies: "Every onesie is hand silk screen printed with water based inks, which do not contain environmentally damaging chemicals such as PVC, phthalate, heavy metals, azo compounds, nonylphenol and formaldehyde found in Plastisol (the type of ink most other screen printing companies use).Water based inks hold up to just as many (if not more) washes as standard Plastisol. They also feel much softer than plastisol inks." I really appreciate how eco-conscious is when it comes to the apparel items they create.
I also love some of their other super cute designs!
The Dandelion - Wishie would look so cute on a little girl!
The Robots t-shirt reminds me of WALL-E!
This owl shirt is super cute!
After I received the onesie in the mail, I washed it and it washed up beautifully! The frog is such a great green color! It is nice and soft on my son and the 12-18 month size that I chose fits him really well, while still having some room for him to grow. Michael loves frogs, or at least at 8 months old, I feel like he takes more interest in frogs than some other animals whenever he sees a picture of a frog or I point one out to him. :)
I love the Happy Frog onesie that I received and I hope I can add more to Michael's wardrobe in the future! There are so many cute designs and I would love to see a hedgehog! =D I don't think I would be able to resist! :)
You can BUY an Elementalshop Onesie or T-shirt for yourself or a loved little one in your life by going to their site here:
You can enter to WIN an Elementalshop short sleeve t-shirt, tank top, or baby onesie!
One lucky Little Hedgehog reader can pick ONE short sleeve t-shirt, tank top, or baby onesie from!!!
Here's how to enter:
Mandatory Entry:
- Visit and tell me which t-shirt, tank top or baby onesie you would choose (and what color) if you are the winner!
Extra Entries:
- Follow/ "Like" Elementalshop on Facebook (and tell them that the Little Hedgehog sent you if you could!) and then comment here to let me know for your entry.
- Follow the Little Hedgehog via Google Friend Connect.
- Follow me on Twitter @lttlehedgehog then, comment here saying so to get your entry.
- Tweet about this giveaway. Please link to the post and be sure to use Elementalshop and @lttlehedgehog. You can tweet once per day! You may use this tweet or make up your own: "@lttlehedgehog has a #giveaway! #WIN a short sleeve tshirt, tank top, OR baby onesie from Elementalshop!!! Ends on 7/31" Comment with a direct link to your tweet so I can see it to get your entry!
- Sign up to receive the little hedgehog emails via feedburner and have your subscription verified.
- Blog about this review/giveaway. Be sure to include a link to and this review/giveaway. Comment with a link to your blog post to get your entry!
Don't forget to put your email address in each comment so I can get a hold of you if you are the lucky winner! If I cannot get a hold of you, I will have to draw another winner! Also, I will check to make sure that the winner filled out the mandatory entry.
Open to U.S. residents only.
I'll accept entries until Saturday, July 31, 2010 at Midnight PST. I'll select a winner using's random number generator, then email the winner. The winner will have 48 hours to respond to my email and if I don't get a response, I will have to choose another winner. Again, make sure you leave your email address in your comment!
* will be shipping the winner’s item to them directly. The Little Hedgehog is not responsible for
mailing the winners prize.
Thank you to for providing me with the opportunity to host this giveaway at no cost to myself. The giveaway has not influenced my opinion of the product. I have sought to give my honest opinions and experiences on these products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. Thank you again to for sponsoring this review and giveaway!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
iStyle Originals T-shirt Review!
My husband and I both have an iPhone and we love them. Before I had one I didn't think that a phone that could take pictures, surf the web or have the ability to let you download and use apps was necessary. Then my hubby surprised me with an iPhone and it was love at the first moment of powering on. I love that I can take quick pictures of my son and then text them to our family who lives out of town and I love how easy it is to check my emails and facebook and... did I mention that I love my iPhone? So, when I came across the iStyle Originals site, I knew they were a perfect fit for our little iFamily. By now my son is used to me pulling out my iPhone to snap his picture and an iStyle Originals T-shirt of his own was the logical next step for our little iBaby!
I had the opportunity to review an iStyle Originals - "Clothing and Apparel for the iGeneration." They not only have fun and cute clothing, but the iStyle Originals site is hilarious- they have such clever little sayings and graphics on everything from their shirts to their beanies to their instruction manuals. they're packaging is fabulous too, it's like you are buying an iPod or "softwear" for your computer! So clever! They even have Tech Support if you aren't sure how to use your iStyle Originals properly. :)

I chose the iStyle Originals Nanowear iCute Baby T-Shirt in black and I smile every time I see my son wear it, because, gosh darn it, I think my little iBaby is the cutest thing ever! The t-shirt is soft and a comfy fit for my son, it washed up beautifully, even after being covered in a days worth of drool! :) Speaking of drool, I would love to see an iDrool t-shirt, onesie or bib, because other than being cute, my son constantly drools! An iDrool shirt would be a must for his wardrobe, because that one "word" says it all about him.
The iStyle Originals site has lots of other items, if you aren't in the market for baby clothes. They have Adultwear t-shirts for men and women, Doggiewear for that special pooch in your life and even some fun accessories like beanies and golf balls! Something for everyone!
I love my sons iCute t-shirt and I have already gotten compliments on it when we are out and about. The quality is great, the styling is creative and to get some of your very own iWear, click on over to the iStyle Originals site!
Thank you again to iStyle Originals for sending me such a wonderful product to review!
The t-shirt was provided to me free of charge and this has not influenced my opinion of the product. I have sought to give my honest opinions and experience on this product. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. Thank you again to iStyle Originals!
CSN Stores Review
I recently got the chance to do a review of an item from CSN Stores and they were so great to work with for this review! Their customer service is wonderful and my item arrived quickly. CSN Stores has over 200 online stores where you can find everything from cookware to cribs to specific needs such as dining room sets and dog beds! Side note here: Speaking of dining room stets, I recently found the perfect breakfast nook for our breakfast area in our kitchen! My hubby and I have been hunting for one forever and the measurements on this one fit the space perfectly. We have been painting and redecorating the house that we moved into a year ago and are really just getting started on renovations, since we moved in when I was 4 months preggo. So, the TMS Nook 3 Piece Dining Set in Espresso is on the top of our wish list and will probably be our Christmas gift to each other. I can just see the two of us having our morning coffee and breakfast here with Michael pulled up close in his high chair gobbling up his cereal and baby food! :)
I digress, so, back to my review! I chose the Skip Hop Playspot Foam Tiles in Green / Brown from CSN stores to do my review on!
I am so glad this is what I chose to get, because, I LOVE this foam tile mat! It was super easy to put the tiles together and the back of the box even had 3 different tile arrangement ideas. The foam mat measures 14" × 14" and it is so nice to have in Michael's play area in our living room, I no longer have miss-matched blankets spread out as he rolls around the floor and (kinda) works on his crawling skills. It is so nice to have something soft for his sweet little knees. I also love the colors- the green and brown are such nice shades and it will match Michael's room perfectly when we move it up to his room after the carpet is replaced.
CSN has so many items and not just things for your baby! So, make sure you take a peek at their site, I am sure you will find something to add to your wish list too!
Thank you CSN for providing me with the opportunity to review one of the many, many, many wonderful products that you offer on your site!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
EO Products Review
I recently got the chance to review some wonderful products from EO. EO is a a family owned and operated company that manufactures personal care products using the highest grade natural and certified organic ingredients. They strive to "create products that are natural, gentle, effective and free from animal testing" while consciously seeking to provide products created with integrity and sustainability. EO works "...collectively to make responsible, sustainable and authentic personal care products." They are a company that endeavors to create natural, safe and effective products that can be enjoyed without harming the environment.
EO sent me a lovely care package of products for me and my home that included:
- All Purpose Cleaner - Meyer Lemon 16oz.
- Liquid Hand Soap - Peppermint & Tea Tree 12oz.
- Bubble Bath - Time Out: Vanilla & Coconut with Tangerine 12oz.
- Hand Sanitizing Spray - Organic Peppermint with Thyme 2oz.
- Shampoo - French Lavender 1.5oz.
- Conditioner - French Lavender 1.5oz.
- Shower Gel - French Lavender 1.5oz.
- Body Lotion - French Lavender 1.5oz.
I put them to the test right away! I put the hand soap in our downstairs bathroom and I love how squeaky clean my hands feel after using it! I also really like that I can smell the essential oils throughout the kitchen whenever it gets used by someone else- it's like a nice minty-fresh breeze wafts by me. Then I set out to clean our kitchen floors with the All Purpose Cleaner. Now, I normally use Swiffer cleaning pads, but since having my son, I have been working on replacing all of our cleaning and personal products with their organic counterparts. I have been particularily anxious to find a replacement floor cleaner because I know my son is just weeks away from crawiling and scooting all over the floors and the last thing I want it for him to get chemicalls on his fingers and then put them in his mouth! Now, at first I was a little skeptical on how well the All Purpose Cleaner would work. The linolium floors in our house are pretty much the cheapest thing ever and they are white *GASP!* So hard to keep clean! So I made a bucket of hot, soapy cleaner and set to work. Now other cleaners I have used required a lot of elbow grease, but EO's All Purpose Cleaner cleaned the floors effortlessly!!! I was so excited! My kitchen floor looked fabulous afterwards! Then I tackled some of the grease spots on the stove top- ahhh.... like a hot knife through butter and voila! Clean stove!
That next night I used the Bubble bath for a nice, long, bubbly soak in the tub. Oh be still my heart! I love bubble baths! It smelled heavenly too- I loved the tangerine scent, citrus scents are my absolute favorite! So, I took a nice soak and read a book...happy mama! I put the Shampoo, Conditioner and Shower Gel in the shower and have been using it for the last 3 days and I have to say that I actually like the smell of the French Lavender. I am not usually a big lavender person, I usually find that they are overpowering for me, but this one had a very mild, pleasant and relaxing scent to it and I really like how it's been treating my long hair. I keep the Body Lotion next to my bed and put some on my hands and arms before bedtime to help send me off to dream land! Lastly, I put the Hand Sanitizing Spray in my diaper bag and got my first chance to use it today after one of my sons diaper changes while we were out and about. I really like carrying sanitizing spray in my diaper bag to make sure my hands are clean after shopping or a diaper change. I liked the way that it felt on my hands and I love that it is organic- I can feel good about using it and then cuddling my little man!
I really enjoyed using all of the products. I think that they performed excellently and I am so happy to have found some natural and organic cleaning and personal care products. I also love the blue bottles, such a rich cobalt blue! The blue bottles paired with the label design made me feel like I was using spa products! I am a very happy mama with my new EO products and I will definitely be buying when these bottles are done@
If you are interested in more information or ordering some of their fabulous products, then you can head over to the EO website here:
Thank you again to EO for sending me such wonderful products to review!
The products were provided to me free of charge and this has not influenced my opinion of the product. I have sought to give my honest opinions and experiences on these products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. Thank you again to EO!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
My New Life As Mom is has an Ergo Carrier Review & Giveaway!
Do you wear your baby or are you interested in wearing your baby? Head on over to My New Life As...Mom! because she has a review up for the Ergo baby carrier and a giveaway too! One lucky My New Life As...Mom! reader will win an Ergo carrier! Awesome! The contest is open until August 10. Good luck!
Lime Ricki Swimsuit Review & Giveaway on Leelou Swag Blog!
Looking for a chance to win a new swimsuit for this summer? Then head on over to Leelou Swag for your chance to snag a Lime Ricki swimsuit! One of Leelou Swag's luck readers is going to win a Lime Ricki bathing suit top and bathing suit bottom or skirt of their choice (or a one piece of their choice)!!! These are super cute and fun swimsuits, so hurry on over to enter, because the contest is only open until July 12. Good luck!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
We Have a Winner!
The winner of the Inspired By Finn giveaway (according to is Heather (TheTreeHugginMomma)!!!
Heather said: I like the dark green/black round beads.
Congratulations and a big thank you to Inspired By Finn for hosting this giveaway and to everyone who entered!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Loving My Life Reviews is Having a My Baby Nest Review & Giveaway!
Interested in carriers for your little one? Well, then head on over to Loving My Life Reviews because there is a My Baby Nest review and giveaway going on right now! One lucky Living My Life reader will win a a Medium Black carrier! The contest is open until July 20. Good luck!
Monday, July 5, 2010
Zulily Blowout Event: Today (7/5) Only!
If you've ever shopped at Zulily, you know that have some fun, cute and unique baby and mommy items at great discounts! If you haven't heard of them, you should go check it out- Zulily is a website that has daily deals for babies, kids and sometimes even moms at discounted prices. Discounts are usually about 40% - 50% off, but sometimes they go as high as 70%!
Right now they are having a Blowout Sale. It is happening right now and will only last through today, Monday July 5. So hurry on over there and see what great deals you can score!
Here are some things that are on sale right now!
If you don't have an account yet, you can create one here, through my referral link:
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